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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Summer term 2, 2024

Welcome back to the final half term of the year, and for the Year Sixes, their final half term at primary school.

This half term should be a truly memorable one, as the children bring an important stage of their lives to a close and get ready to start a whole new chapter.

There will be lots of exciting events, such as the residential, the end of year performance, the leavers presentation evening and much more. Please see the newsletter below for further details and dates. We are looking forward to signing off in style!




Newsletter Summer 2 2024

Welcome to Year 6!

Dates and General Information

PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays this half term. Please come in PE kits on those days. Forest will take place every other Wednesday. This will be the 11th September, 25th September, 9th October and 23rd October.

Weekly homework and spellings will be given on Fridays and will be due the following Thursday.



In our place value unit we will be learning to recognize, read and write numbers up to 10,000,000. We will also learn how to compare and order integers, round integers and use negative numbers. In our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division unit we will be working with the four operations.

English and Reading


In English our book is called ‘The Land of Neverbelieve.’ We will use this fantasy book about a magical island to inspire a setting description and a non-chronological report. We will be revising key grammatical features like parenthesis, relative clauses as well as including higher-level vocabulary and sentence structures. We will include newly learned spelling rules and we will be learning how to edit our work to enhance effects and clarify meaning.

Wider Curriculum


Geography – We will be learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources, where they come from and their impact on society, the economy and the environment.

Art – We will develop our skills in using different art styles, exploring effects with tools, understanding and applying chiaroscuro, and creating symbolic and expressive drawings. We will learn to form our own opinions about art, understand the impact of techniques, and convey messages through our artwork.


DT – We will learn to test and analyse various types of bridge to determine their strength and stability. We will explore material properties and sources, before marking, sawing and assembling a wooden truss bridge.

Music – We will listen with attention to detail and learn to recall sounds with increasing aural memory.

PE – We will learn to pass, move and shoot accurately and consistently and also how to switch fluidly between attack and defence as possession changes. We will also learn how to think tactically and create, evaluate and refine tactics for completing the challenges.

French – Our unit is called ‘A l’ecole’ which is all about school.


RE – We will be looking at the key questions ‘how can we reduce racism?’ and ‘can religion help?’


Computing – We will identify benefits and risks of mobile devices broadcasting the location of the user/device. We will identify secure sites by looking for privacy seals of approval. We will review the meaning of a digital footprint and have a clear idea of appropriate online behaviour. We will identify the positive and negative influences of technology on health and the environment.