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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School


Welcome to The Heys Primary School MFL page.


On here, you will find an outline of the learning that the children will be experiencing whilst at The Heys.

You will also be able to find subject policies as well as any other related information.

Why do we teach our pupils French...


MFL prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which the rise of international commerce means that pupils need to be equipped with the skills needed by the international workplace. Pupils will be encouraged to develop language lifelong learning skills. Increased capability in the use of MFL promotes initiative, confidence and independent learning and encourages diversity within society. 

Cross-curricular opportunities.


MFL provides opportunities for teaching the following cross-curricular themes:

·         English- listening, writing, reading and speaking skills

·         Maths – number recognition, practice, calculations, money, exchange rate

·         PSHE – through learning about attitudes towards others, through exploring cultural similarities and differences, through discussion about stereotypes and misconceptions, through working and co-operating with others

·         RE – Religious festivals and beliefs in French speaking countries

·         History – links between the UK and France, wars and alliances

·         Geography – locations of the countries, exploring similarities and differences between places

·         Computing– research work and educational games on the internet

·         Citizenship

·         European Awareness

MFL Policy 2023-24

Skills progression in French KS2