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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School

School Day


September 2023


The classroom doors will be open from 8:45 - 8:55 every morning.

School lessons start at 8:55 prompt for Reception up to Y6.

If you arrive after classroom doors have closed, please enter via the school office so your child can be marked 'present' on the register.

Nursery  9:00 - 12:00  (15 hours per week)

Rec 8:55 - 3:25 (32.5 hours per week)

Y1 8:55 - 3:25   (32.5 hours per week)

Y2 8:55 - 3:25   (32.5 hours per week)

Y3 8:55 - 3:30   (32 hours 55 mins per week)

Y4 8:55 - 3:30   (32 hours 55 mins per week)

Y5 8:55 - 3:30   (32 hours 55 mins per week)

Y6 8:55 - 3:30   (32 hours 55 mins per week)


If your child is absent for ANY reason you MUST telephone the school office on 0161 330 1847 and leave a message on the absence line informing us of the reason for the absence.