History day 2023!
This year on History Day, as well as dressing up as people from different historical eras, we brought in historical artifacts from home to study and compare. We looked at the artifacts to see what they told us about life in the past and ordered them on a timeline to see which was the oldest. The items ranged from cassettes and floppy disks, to 200 year old medals! The children made a great effort with their costumes and brought in some really fascinating objects.
History Day 2023
History - Whole school long term coverage
History - The 3 'I's
History policy
The children of Year 6 visited Ashton War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday to pay their respects and lay a wreath. Their thoughtful and respectful behaviour was a credit to both them and the school. Well done Year 6.
Greek Day - Year 4 had a fabulous day learning all about the Ancient Greeks and their contribution to the world