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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School

Year 3

Year 3 Visit to Ashton Library on 6th February 2025

Welcome to Class 3

Miss Apperley and Mrs Dowell


Autumn 2 2024


Welcome back to a new half term in year 3!


We hope that you all had an enjoyable break and are now ready to continue your journey in KS2.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back into Year 3.


Working in Year 3 this year will be myself (Miss Apperley) and Mrs Dowell.



On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 



Miss Apperley

Year three learning


In year three, this half term, we are going to be learning lots of new things including:



This half term in English we will be focusing on instructions and persuasive texts. Our class reader will continue to be ‘Stig of the Dump’. We will be using lots of exciting powerful vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, such as expanded noun phrases and time adverbials to make our writing even better!


Focus Texts





In maths this half term we will be continuing to learn how to add and subtract numbers to 1000 using formal written methods such as the column method. We will also be learning about multiplications and practising our times tables using times table rock stars which you can also access at home. In year 3 the children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.






In our science learning, we will be looking at Diet and Nutrition and Rocks.






We will be continuing to study Spreadsheets.







 In year three our geography is 'Why do people live near volcanoes?'





The first jigsaw piece will be ‘Being Me in My World’. 

The children will recognise their worth and can identify positive things about themselves and their achievements.

The children will be taught ow to face new challenges positively, make responsible choices and ask for help when  needed

For the children to understand why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities









We will be practicing our appraisal skills whilst learning about the instruments in an orchestra. 



The children will be designing and making cushion covers.