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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Class 3

Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Dowell, Miss Earley and Mrs Gorton teach in Class 3. 


Summer 2 2024

Term starts on Monday 10th June. Forest school will be every other week starting on Monday 17th June

Children need swimming things on Wednesdays and PE kits on Thursdays. 

Homework from last term


BBC Dance Mat Typing: Click here

You will find out more about our class routines on our newsletter and here is our Spring timetable. Please contact us on DoJo or see us at the end of the day if you have any questions or something to tell us (we like a chat). We will post regular updates on here as the year goes on. Thank you for looking!


Archived Pages 

Summer 2 2023

Welcome back! We have a lot to fit in this half term including sports day and our class trip to Formby.


P.E. in school is on a Monday, please continue to wear your kit to school on this day. We would like to remind you that children must be wearing trainers or pumps and have their earrings removed in order to take part. Swimming at Copley will continue every Friday, our last session this year will be on the 7th of July. Forest school is every other Tuesday, please see class dojo for the dates.


As the weather is getting warmer, it is essential that children have protection from the sun so please send them to school with a bottle of water, a hat and sun cream (labelled with their name) as well as their homework diary and reading book which need to be in school every day.

In English this half term we will be learning about conservation and producing persuasive posters and leaflets, we will also be writing haiku poems. In maths, we are exploring angles, shape and data. In our science lessons we will be focusing on scientific thinking and taking part in investigations to improve our skills.

In geography, we will be investigating maps and learning how to use a compass. Our topics in P.E. are tennis and swimming. In computing, we will be learning how to send e-mail as well as finding out how to create and use a database.

Homework Web

Summer 1

Coronation Day Celebrations

Making a collage of King Charles III

Welcome back, we can’t believe we have already completed two terms! Mrs Bryan and Mrs Sandiford are looking forward to a busy Summer term. 
Reading books and diaries need to be in school everyday. P.E. will be every Monday and we are going swimming every Friday. Forest school will be every other Tuesday, please see class dojo for the dates.

Even though days are getting warmer, the weather is still very changeable so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing ie. coat, hat, sun cream. They will also need a bottle containing water. 

In English, we are reading traditional tales. We will be writing an alternative version of our favourite tale.

In maths, we are looking at fractions of shapes and numbers. We will also be learning about capacity.

Our science topic is Light. Year 3 will be learning about lights sources, shadows and the effects different materials have on light.

Our P.E. Focus this half term is tag rugby and swimming. In P.S.H.E., we are looking at relationships with our families, friends and community. We will be learning how to support and help each other when problems occur.

In Geography, we will be learning about coasts. We will look at different types of coast line around the United Kingdom. Our focus in R.E. is festivals and why they are important. In music, we will be composing for different instruments as well as using our listening and appraising skills.

In computing, we will be learning how to use google slides and creating our own presentations. In French, we are going to learn how to say, read and write the names of different fruits. Our art focus is portraiture. We will be learning about the British artist Kelvin Okafor and drawing self portraits.

 Spring 2

Welcome back, year 3!



Mrs Sandiford and I are looking forward to another busy half term in year 3. 



On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning this half term, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


This half term we will do P.E on a Monday and a Friday. 


For our P.E lessons the children should wear:-

A  light blue or white t-shirt

Navy or black shorts/jogging bottoms

Black pumps/trainers


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 



Mrs Bryan

In Year 3 this half term we will be studying the following:




In English, we will be focusing on Aesop's Fables. We will be reading a variety of fables looking at their features and developing a greater understanding of the morals behind the fables. We will be writing our own modern day version of a traditional fable and will then act our fables out to an audience.




In maths we will learn how to measure in metres, centimetres and millimetres. We will compare lengths as well as adding and subtracting lengths.

We will learn what is meant by perimeter and be able to measure and calculate perimeter.


Science- Plants


We will learn how to identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant. We will investigate the way in which water is transported within plants and explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.





In PSHE our focus is 'Healthy Me'

We will understand how exercise affects our body and know why our heart and lungs are such important organs. We will identify things, people and places that we need to keep safe and recognise some strategies for keeping safe.  Have a greater understanding how complex our body is and how important it is to take care of it




We will learn how to make connections between some of Jesus’ teachings and the way Christians live today.  Describe how Christians celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday. We will Identify the most important parts of Easter for Christians and say why they are important.


Computing- Touch typing


We will be introduced typing terminology and understand the correct way to sit at the keyboard. We will learn how to use the home, top and bottom row keys. and practice and improve typing for home, bottom, and top rows.

We will practice the keys typed with the left hand as well as with the right hand.




 Describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including:

We will discover types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links and look at the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water


Art - Painting


We are going to be looking at the famous painter Claude Monet. We will learn how  to improve mastery of art techniques, including drawing, painting using a range of materials, for example:- pencil, oil pastels and paint.





The focus this half term is gymnastics.

We will be able to execute excellent balance and movements in both symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. We will be able to link moves and balances together to create a sequence.




We will be focusing on improvising and composing  a piece of music linked to the 'Dragon song'.



In French we will learn how to read, write and spell up to 10 animals in French.

Spring 2 Homework Web

 Spring 1

Welcome back, year 3!


Mrs Sandiford and I are excited for another half term in year 3. We have been impressed by the good progress the children have made so far this year. 


On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning this half term, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 


I am looking forward to seeing all the progress the children make this half term

Mrs Bryan


In Year 3 this half term we will be studying the following:




In English we will be focusing on poetry and explanation texts. We will be reading the book called, ‘A river’ We will also be reading a variety of different styles of poems. We will look at key features of these genres and we will be trying to replicate these in our own writing. We will be focusing on using adverbs, similes, preposition, alliteration as well as a variety of punctuation. We will read and write our own poems and explanations linked to rivers.




In maths we will be looking at recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods. Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems




 Animals including Humans

We will be looking at identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. We will also look at identifying that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.



We will be able looking at describing and understanding key aspects of physical geography, focusing on rivers.  We will learn the names of different types rivers and where in the word they are found. We will find out the purpose of the river and how it is used.




In PSHE our focus is ‘Dreams and Goals’

We will be able to tell you about a person who has faced difficult challenges and achieved success. Recognise, respect and admire people who overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams and goals. Be able to identify a dream/ambition that is important to me and imagine how I will feel when I achieve my dream/ambition. 



We will look at what does it mean to belong to a faith community. We will investigate What it means to be a Christian, Muslim and Hindu in Britain today.




We will learn how to create a branching database on the computer..  We will choose a suitable topic for a branching database and we will select and save appropriate images. We will learn how to use and debug our own and others’ branching database.


Design Technology


We will be looking at the structure of different types of bridges found around the world and the looking at their uses. We will plan, make and evaluate our own bridge.




The focus this half term is gymnastics.

We will be able to execute excellent balance and movements in both symmetrical and asymmetrical ways. We will be able to link moves and balances together to create a sequence.



In French we will learn nouns and articles for 10 instruments. Learn how to say ‘je joue ’ (I play)

Spring 1 Homework Grid

Autumn 2 2022


Welcome back!

We hope that you had a lovely half term and are ready to continue your learning journey in Year 3


On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 


Autumn 2 Newsletter gives you all the information about all of the learning that will take place this half term.

Autumn 2 Homework grid 2022

Learning in Autumn 2 2022


In English we will be studying the texts: The Iron man and The Tin forest. We will be writing various types of letters and writing newspaper articles. We will be doing drama, where we will present our own version of ‘News round’.

We will be discussing words and phrases which capture the readers interest and imagination. Ask questions to improve our understanding of the text, drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives from their actions. As a class, we will be listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or text books.




In maths we will add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and ones. Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of column addition and subtraction. Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers. Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction. We will add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers - crossing and not crossing 10 or 100. We will Estimate answers to calculations and check our answers.





In Science we will be learning about magnets and forces, we will compare how things move on different surfaces and notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. 


In History we will be looking at the Iron age and Bronze age and asking and answering historical questions.



In Geography we will be using globes and atlases to identify the countries that make up Europe. We will be able to identify and name different countries and their capital cities.


Autumn 1 2022


Welcome back to a new school year in year 3!


We hope that you all had an enjoyable summer break and are now ready to start your journey in KS2.

We are looking forward to welcoming you into Year 3.


Working in Year 3 this year will be myself (Mrs Bryan) and Mrs Sandiford.



On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 



Mrs Bryan

Y3 Newsletter Autumn 1

Autumn 1 Homework grid

Forest school letter

These are the words that the children will be learning how to spell.

At the Heys we follow Anima Phonics

Year three learning


In year three, this half term, we are going to be learning lots of new things including:



This half term in English we will be focusing on diary entries, narratives and adventure stories. We will be reading ‘Stig of the Dump’ as well as lots of other books based during the Stone Age, which is our discovery this half term. We will look at key features of these genres and we will be trying to replicate these in our own writing. We will be using lots of exciting powerful vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, such as expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials to make our writing better!


Focus Texts




In maths this half term we will be learning the place value of numbers to 1000. We will also be learning how to add and subtract with numbers to 1000 using formal written methods such as the column method. We will be solving problems involving place value to help us to understand the importance of each digit and its place in the number system.  We will also continuously practice our times tables using times table rock stars which you can also access at home. In year 3 the children need to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.






In our science learning, we will be looking at rocks and fossils. As scientists we will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties, describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rocks, recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter and explore rocks in our local environment.





We will be looking at Online Safety. We will teach the children how to stay safe whilst using the internet.






 In year three our history is ‘The Stone Age’. As historians, we will understand changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age





The first jigsaw piece will be ‘Being Me in My World’. 

The children will recognise their worth and can identify positive things about themselves and their achievements.

The children will be taught ow to face new challenges positively, make responsible choices and ask for help when  needed

For the children to understand why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities




We will be looking at what people believe and the focus is on God. The children will be encourage to ask and answer questions and discuss various view points related to the unit in a respectful and understanding way.





We will be practicing our appraisal skills whilst learning about the instruments in an orchestra. 



The children will be designing and making new clothes for Stone age boy. The children will be taught the design and making process and will be taught sewing techniques to attach materials together.




Year 3 2021-2022

Summer 2

Welcome back to a new half term in year 3!

Mrs Shepherd, Miss Hewitt and I are extremely impressed with the progress made by all children so far this year. Keep going with your fantastic learning year 3, we can't believe there's only one half term left!


On this webpage you will find information about what we are learning this half term, key events, pictures of the children's learning and useful websites to visit. 


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to send me a dojo message and I will respond within the working week. 


I am looking forward to seeing all the progress the children make this half term!

Miss I Sidebottom



This half term in our writing we will be learning how to write Adventure Stories, Free Verse poems, Tanka Poems and Haiku Poems

We will:

  • discuss writing similar to that which we are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar
  • organise paragraphs around a theme
  • read our own writing aloud to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear
  • indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns
  • use and punctuate direct speech
  • use and understand prepositions and conjunctions


We will look at each genre of writing in detail, understanding key features and content to include, before writing our own.