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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School






Attendance Matters


‘You can’t teach an empty chair…’


At The Heys we believe that good attendance and punctuality are very important and reward this. 


If a child attends school regularly we are confident that they will be happy and successful at school.  Good attendance helps children to establish positive friendships and make good progress in all aspects of their learning and development.


Attendance and punctuality are monitored closely and the parents of any child whose attendance or punctuality causes us any concern, will be invited in to school to discuss the how school can support at home. Where appropriate, a plan will be put into place to ensure that attendance and punctuality improve. We encourage good punctuality at school, as latecomers disrupt not only their own learning but that of other pupils in their class.


We actively discourage any leave in term time and leave will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised leave will be reported to the Local Authority and Penalty Notices will be issued where appropriate.


School begins at 8.55am prompt for everyone. The school doors are open for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 from 8.45-8.55am.  Please do not let your children arrive before this time as there is no-one available to make sure they are safe.


Children arriving after 8.55am, will be marked as being late.


We have a mid-morning break, and lunch is between 12:00pm and 1:00pm for KS1 and 12.10pm and 1.10pm for KS2.  EYFS children go for dinner at 11.50pm. Nursery finishes at 11.55 am.


School finishes at 3.25pm for Foundation and KS1 and 3.30pm for KS2.  


 Safeguarding Matters


At The Heys Primary School we respect and value all children and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. 

 We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm.  This is the responsibility of every adult employed by or invited to deliver services at The Heys Primary School.

 We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access school and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.


 Learning Essentials


DINNER MONEY – Healthy School

School Meals

Our school meals are provided by Dolce school catering and currently cost £2.30 per day.  Meals need to be paid for and ordered via the live kitchen website

If you need any help setting up your live kitchen (home online ordering system for school meals) please speak to the school office staff.


 SCHOOL UNIFORM - Looking Smart...

Wearing uniform is a great way of increasing our sense of belonging and team.  The pupils  designed a fantastic school logo which looks good on their school uniform.

We ask for your support in promoting our school ethos and ensure your child is wearing the following:

  • grey trousers, skirt or optional  blue checked dresses in summer
  • black jogging pants for nursery only*
  • navy blue polo shirt and a navy blue sweatshirt
  • No jewellery is permitted apart from a watch and stud earrings.


Please make sure your child has their PE kitbag in school at all times.

  • Light blue t shirt and navy/black shorts and black gym pumps
  • A tracksuit or joggers are appropriate for outdoor games in the winter.

If your child’s ears are pierced  these MUST be removed for PE.

Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled.


Behaviours Matter

“Pupils thrive in the happy and motivating atmosphere that is provided by the school. They behave well, feel safe and show resilience and confidence in their learning”. (OFSTED 2017)

Its Good to be green, gold or platinum


  • Appropriate behaviours are central to the achievement of the school’s aims;


  • Our children will take responsibility for their behaviours;


  • the whole school community will model, teach and promote appropriate behaviours;


  • We will recognise, value, reward and celebrate appropriate behaviours;


  • We apply a consistent system to behaviour management;


  • We encourage partnerships between home, school and behaviour specialists to promote our principles of appropriate behaviours.





Safeguarding your Child

Use of Photographs


On occasions at our school we celebrate the schools and children’s achievements, successes etc. and record them by the use of photographs.


We like to share this with our community through the local paper, our web site, the school newsletter and photographs.  However according to council guidelines it is now necessary for school to have your permission for photographs to be taken.


If you would not like your child to take part we will withdraw your child each time there is a photograph opportunity.  If we do not receive a slip back from you we will assume you would like your child to be involved when photographs are being taken.


Acceptable Use Agreement for the Internet


In order for pupils to browse the Internet or make use of Email and other technologies, we require Parents/Carers to discuss this paperwork with their child/children to make them understand they need to be safe when using the internet.  These strict rules need to be adhered to:

  • I will only use the Internet when I have permission and I am supervised.
  • I will not give out my address, home or mobile telephone number, photograph or school name and address on the internet. I will not give out personal details of another child or adult either.
  • I will tell my teacher straightaway if I come across any unsuitable pictures or information on the Internet by accident or if anything makes me feel uncomfortable or upset.
  • I will not try to access any inappropriate websites, chat rooms, Instant Messaging or Social Networking sites in school.
  • I will not bring a mobile phone to school.
  • I will not download any files from the Internet in school unless I have permission.
  • If I break any of these rules a letter may be sent home and I might be banned from using the internet for a given period of time.


2 useful web sites to look at:-           and


Trips in the Local Area

As part of the curriculum, we may from time to time go on visits within the local area.  These may include activities such as: local walks, visits to church or mosque, visits to the library, post office, or a walk to the local park.  Full risk assessments will be carried out for such activities and we will endeavour to notify parents in advance of such visits. 


All visits follow a strict procedure and unless it’s a ‘walk in the local environment’, then consent is required for any other visit and a letter will be issued informing you of each visit. We ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost.  Without these contributions, then unfortunately trips may need to be cancelled.


The next section of this induction booklet contains Data Sheets and Permission Slips.


It is a safeguarding requirement that you complete all the attached paperwork. 


Pages 9, 10 & 11 and the reply slips on page 12 MUST be returned to the school office prior to your child starting our school.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school.




Legal Surname:





Middle name:


Chosen name:




Date of Birth:

School Year:


Birth Certificate seen               Y/N






Post Code:












Please give details of all persons who have parental responsibility and anyone else you wish to be contacted in an emergency.  Place them in the order that you wish for them to be contacted in an emergency.



Home Address and


Work Address Phone/Email



















Place of employment














 Place of employment



















Place of employment








Die D         Dietary Needs -please circle if any apply  HALAL  / VEGETARIAN


Meal Arrangement

Please tick the appropriate choice

Free school meal



Paid School Meal








Previous School or Nursery (if applicable)



Name of Head Teacher / Nursery Provider ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone Number …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Previous school address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Does your child need any additional support at school?  YES / NO

If yes, please provide details  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





Medical Practice:



Doctors Name – DR.




Telephone Number ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Medical conditions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





Medical Note(s) including any allergies etc:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….








General Information:

Does your child wear glasses: Y/N



Does your child have any hearing problems: Y/N



Ethnicity : eg. White British/Pakistani   



Home Language:


First Language:




English As Additional Language  Y/N


Country of Birth:


Nationality:                                                                       Passport Number:



In cases of accident or illness requiring hospital treatment every effort will be made to contact parents so that they may take the child to hospital themselves.  However, it sometimes proves impossible to contact parents and so we would be grateful if you would complete and sign the form below so that we may obtain medical assistance.

In case of an emergency and the inability to contact me.

give / do not give permission for the staff of The Heys Primary School to obtain hospital treatment for my child.


Child’s Name ………………………………………….


Signed ……………………………………………………… Parent/Guardian        Date……/……/…….


Treatment not to be given (ie allergic reaction to drugs etc)




Data Protection Act 1998:  The school is registered under the Data Protection Act for holding personal data. The school has a duty to protect this information and to keep it up to date. The school is required to share some of the data with the Local Authority and with the DCSF.




Photograph Permission


I/We give permission /DO NOT give permission for The Heys Primary School or their agents to copyright, reproduce, publish and otherwise use my photograph,

(a photograph of my child/children).


Name of Pupil: ___________________________________________________________


Parent/Carer Signature: ____________________________________________________



Date: ______________





Internet agreement 


I give permission for my/our child to use the Internet, email and other technologies in school I understand that pupils will be held accountable for their own actions and agree to appropriate sanctions being imposed if rules are broken.  I am aware that some materials on the Internet may be offensive and I accept responsibility for setting standards for my/our child/children to follow when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media.

Name of Pupil:______________________________________________________


Parent/Carer Signature:______________________________________________







Trips in the Local Area


I give permission for my/our child to take part in trips in the local area as part of the curriculum



Name of Pupil ______________________________________________________


Parent/Carer Signature: ______________________________________________


Date: _______________