Safeguarding Policy
Important news: Operation Encompass
The Heys Primary School is involved in a project that runs jointly between schools and Greater Manchester Police. This project is called Operation Encompass. It aims to support children who are affected by domestic violence by ensuring that their school is informed. This allows the school to support the children. If you have any other questions about this project, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
The role of the school in protecting your child from abuse
The school has a number of measures in place to help protect children, including:
- Staff who have been trained to be alert to signs of abuse.
- 6 members of staff with responsibility for child protection.
- Procedures for checking on staff before they are allowed to work with children.
- A child protection policy which includes procedures to be followed if a teacher or other member of staff is accused of harming a child
Please Note: The school has a duty of care to the children and will approach parents if we are unsure of things.
We understand that this may cause distress for some parents but it is a necessary part of child protection.
Thankfully, there are fewer incidents at our school but we are committed to remaining vigilant.
If you have a child protection issue outside of the school environment the school is always willing to offer guidance or support but a referral may need to be made by the person raising the concern.
The Heys Primary School regards the safety and welfare of all its pupils, staff and visitors as vitally important. The school recognises that effective safeguarding and child protection work requires sound procedures, good inter-agency co-operation and a workforce that is competent and confident in responding to safeguarding practices.
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Kausar / Miss Davison
Supporting members of the Safeguarding Team: Mrs Goodwin, Miss Streets and Mrs. Gouldbourn
All visitors are required to sign in at Reception upon arrival and MUST Wear a detailed ID badge.
The badge must be clearly visible at all times.
Inclusion on the school’s Single Central Record requires that the school sees the individual’s original DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) enhanced clearance. We will make a photocopy of the pro-forma, retain this for the duration of the visit and then destroy this copy.
For all visitors not included on our Single Central Record, will be vetted according to their role and needs for the visiting period.