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The Heys Primary School The Heys Primary School

Our Autumn 2 Learning

We had a special visitor in school on Wednesday during our party. We got to visit Father Christmas in his magical grotto where he read a story about the birth of Jesus. We were very lucky as he had also brought gifts for everyone and even had time for a quick photograph.

We made Christmas cards using the skills and techniques we have been learning in art. We did some colour washing and tearing of the paper to create a collage effect.

We had lots of fun at our Christmas party. We did lots of dancing and played lots of Christmas related games. We even got colourful hats from the Christmas crackers.

In English, we had to follow a set of instructions to help us create a sparkly snow globe.

During our art lessons, we have been looking at making patterns using a variety of different materials. We used the different materials to create prints looking closely at the different textures made.

In Science this half term, we have been sorting a variety of different materials and investigating which materials are best for certain jobs.

In design technology we have been cutting, grating and chopping a variety of healthy foods. The children had to design and then make their own healthy wrap which they throughly enjoyed eating. yum Yum!

In science we have been investigating a range of materials and their uses. We were set a challenge, to use a selection of materials to create a sleigh for Father Christmas. After we had made the sleigh, we then had to test it’s suitability to investigate which materials were waterproof.